Borderlines Tattoos and Piercings Why pw BPD Get More Than Average
Borderlines Tattoos and Piercings - Why pw/BPD Get More Than Average
Borderlines Tattoos and Piercings - why people with BPD get more tattoos and/or piercings than non-Borderlines.
A commenter (on Youtube) asked if a woman has an excessive amount of tattoos, could this be a dating red flag that she has BPD. I answer this question about Borderlines and tattoos and explain why people with BPD do, in fact, have many more body modifications- tattoos and piercings than those without BPD and several key reasons why people with Borderline Personality get tattoos and piercings so often. In a high percentage of a study they found that 22.41% of people with BPD had tattoos over at least 10% of their bodies.
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