

BPD breakup and no closure leaves so many Ex's wanting "the closure conversation" with a BPD Ex - these "closure conversations" go nowhere and only hurt you more. For the very minority of Ex's of a person with BPD that can even get to starting "the closure conversation". They aren't usually attainable. Secondly, your Ex or even on/off BPD partner won't hear you or want to listen. He or she will be triggered quickly and defend against your truth because they can't take personal responsibility. And, what you have to say about how you were hurt, not seen or heard, people with (untreated) Borderline Personality Disorder will not hear because they are too wrapped up in all of their own victimization. This "closure conversation" will quickly go from what you need and want to say to the Borderline narrative of "BPD = Victim" and now you are hurting them again (so they believe) and then they will twist it back on you and often with incredibly mean statements that wound you and your already low to no self-esteem.

I work with clients to help people heal and recover and in that process find your own closure which is much more empowering and healing then anything you could ever get from risking the "closure conversation" with your Ex.

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