

A.J. Mahari responds to a Youtube viewers comments on a Youtube Video and talks about
and explains the reality that people don't need to know if someone
is 100% diagnosable with BPD when you see in them and experience
from them all the BPD patterns and traits. Many people who could
be diagnosed with BPD never will be. Why do you like so many still want
your BPD Ex back? Codependent repetition compulsions make not getting
back with your Ex "feel impossible" even though you've lost yourself and
been traumatized.

So many Codependents still trapped in the trauma bond want a BPD Ex,
diagnosed or not back, why is that? The only way to truly break the
trauma bond and heal and recover from the BPD Relationship Breakup
and Codependency is working with an expert to do so.

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