

Losing Yourself Trying to Nurture and Aid a Borderline?

In a response to a Codependent commenter on a video I did about Borderlines Lying and 
manipulation whether it is on purpose, calcuulated or not - it is what it is, this 
person who left a semi=hostile but Codependent denying comment thought that it should
be possible for partners, Ex's or friends of someone with BPD to nurture them and aid
them as they stressed this MUST be possible. No, it really isn't.

This person's Codependent denial "take-away" they ascribe to my video is evidence of their own denial and twisting of what I said because they don't want to or aren't ready to realize the
reality that one needs to find outside of a tantasy bond with a Borderline, You need to
take care of yourself, not continue to think or believe or fantasize about nurturing and
aiding - rescuing, changing, or fixing a person with BPD while you are being traumatized
and keep losing more and more of yourself and getting more confused about why "love" 
hurts so much.


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