Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles
Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles
Borderline’s mixed signals and Codependent fantasy bonds. Borderlines in relationships give endless mixed signals like telling you how much they love after traumatizing behaviour or while still ghosting you, or after having ghosted or even for years discarded you. Saying in Hoovers, they love you, they need to figure out how to let you go - end the relationship - but they don’t know how. Meanwhile you love them, you focus on them to the detriment of yourself as an Ex and Codependent. You need to let that BPD Ex go, but, you don't know how.
Thank you for watching my video, Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles. For more content, feel free to visit my YouTube channel’s Playlists, Shorts and Community tab.
In this video, I explain Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles and cover the following topics:
- Mixed signals in relationships
- Borderline Ghosting they are trying to let you go when they don’t know how
- Codependents need to let a Borderline go but you don’t know how to either
- How Borderlines give mixed signals in relationships
- Codependents recycling their fantasy bond cycles with a partner with BPD
- Codependency and BPD
Borderline’s mixed signals and Codependent fantasy bonds. Borderlines in relationships give endless mixed signals like telling you how much they love after traumatizing behaviour or while still ghosting you. Saying in Hoovers, they love you, they need to figure out how to let you go - end the relationship - but they don’t know how.
Codependents share this dilemma in a different way - needing to let the borderline go, but, not knowing how.
Explore my other video content here on my YouTube, channel where you'll find more insights into Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles, the unhealthy bonds that keep these damaging relationships going in circles. and relevant social media links.
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This video covers Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles, mixed signals in relationships, how Borderlines give mixed signals in relationships, and codependency and BPD.
Don't miss out on the transformative insights shared in this video addressing: mixed signals in relationships, how Borderlines give mixed signals in relationships, codependency and BPD, and Borderline Mixed Signals & Codependent Fantasy Bond Cycles.
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