Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting
Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting
Thank you for watching my video, Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting. For more content, feel free to visit my YouTube channel’s Playlists, Shorts and Community tabs.
In this video, I explain Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting and cover the following topics:
- How does BPD affect parenting?
- What happens when a person with BPD has a child?
- What are the effects of BPD on children?
- BPD Ex believes BPD women list baby on purpose
- Co-Parenting with a BPD hurts you and children
Borderlines having children wound them (more often than not) and the heartbreak of BPD Ex's loss or Co-Parenting. Whether the Borderline Parent is the mother or the father, each will wound his or her children. A commenter lost his child to a borderline's lack of care. Co-parenting with a male or female with BPD is for most a nightmare that no matter what the BPD Ex does wounds your child or children. If you are younger, dating a borderline or not sure, be careful. It's not healthy to have a child with an untreated person with BPD. - Sessions - Contact - Blog - Online Store - Ebooks & more - Podcasts & Blog - Ebooks & Audios - Courses Coming
#BPDandchildren #ajmahari #BPDParentwoundschild
Borderlines having children wound them
Borderline mothers wound their children
Borderline Fathers wound their children
Borderlines Having children painfully impacts BPD Ex's and their children
Co-Parenting with many BPD Ex's can be a nightmare
Dating a Borderline be careful to not rush to have a child
Borderline women often pressure partners to have
a baby, cold, children
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This video covers Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting, how does BPD affect parenting, what happens when a person with BPD has a child, and what Are the Effects of BPD on Children?
Don't miss out on the transformative insights shared in this video addressing: how does BPD affect parenting, what happens when a person with BPD has a child, what Are the Effects of BPD on Children, and Borderlines Having Children - The Heartbreak of BPD Ex Loss or Co Parenting.
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