Petulant BPD Rage Uses You & The Why Insight of a Recovered Borderline Petulant Borderlines use you when they rage at you.
Do You actually Believe All people with BPD have Everything Cluster B? Most of them absolutely don't. Why are so many so ...
BPD Relationship - Codependent or Care Too Much? If you care too much that's one of many signs of Codependency. Caring too ...
Borderline Splitting Cycles and Codependent Denial Borderline splitting cycles mixed with Codependent denial fuel the betrayal ...
Borderlines Don't Value You in Dating or Relationships Borderlines don't value you in dating or relationships because they are ...
Loving a Borderline & Why You Will Never Who They Really Are Loving a borderline woman or man it is a high percentage of ...
Who is your borderline? You can't know because he/she doesn't know. Are you in love with who you thought he/she was?
Are you trying to get a BPD Loved one or Ex into therapy? Getting your pw/BPD into therapy will not save your relationship ...
BPD Discard & Dangle Fantasy Facade At The End Like the Beginning Many with BPD when they discard you with or without ...
Are Borderlines 'Aliens' Not Human? So many Ex's of people with BPD judge them as alien and not human. If you do this or think ...
BPD Breakup - Codependent Woundedness - Vulnerability is a Strength After Healing After a BPD Breakup, ghosting and/or ...
Borderlines Don't Relate To Who You Are - Experience You as “Object Other” - See related video for more and if you want to find ...