All Episodes

Friday, January 14, 2022 Pt 2 of 3 Loving a Borderline is Impossible with Live Q&A

Part 2 of 3 Loving a Borderline is Impossible with a lot of questions from men and focus on many challenges that are more difficult for men in a relat...

Friday, January 14, 2022 PT 1 of 3 Loving a Borderline is Impossible with Live Q & A

Part 1 of 3 Loving a Borderline is Impossible - From a Youtube Live Stream A.J. Mahari did January 12, 2022 Loving a Borderline is impossible. Survivi...

Sunday, November 28, 2021 BPD and Secondary Psychopathy In Severe BPD Not All With BPD

Borderline Personality and Secondary Psychopathy, not proven, but as conflicting studies indicate, it is not a reality for all with BPD but may well b...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 BPD Parents Partners Family Members Randi Kreger Interview on BPD and BPD NPD Co Morbidity and More

A.J. Mahari Interview with Author and BPD Expert Randi Kreger who co-authored Stop Waking on Eggshells - Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Love H...

Wednesday, July 7, 2021 BPD and Codependent Trauma Bonds Not Rooted in Addiction Rooted in Trauma

Borderline Personality and Codependent's Trauma Bonds are Not Rooted in Addiction But are rooted in Trauma - A Deep Dive to help you understand the T...

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 What Is Codependency And Why Do you Need To Know

Counsellor and Trauma Recovery Coach, A.J. Mahari, answers the question: "What is Codependent"What is Codependency and why is it so important to under...

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 Part 2 My BPD NPD Co-Morbid Alcoholic Ex A.J. Mahari's Experience

BPD NPD Co-Morbid Alcoholic My Ex Part 2 A.J. Mahari's Experience I am out here to work with you if I resonate with you. I have lived experience with ...

Monday, July 5, 2021 A.J. Mahari on Her BPD NPD Co-Morbid Ex How The Relationship Began

A.J. Mahari on Her BPD NPD Co-Morbid Ex - How The Relationship Began Groomed By a BPD/NPD social worker.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 BPD Relationships BPD Ex Carlos On His Experience Dating and Breaking Up

Surviving BPD Relationship Breakups - BPD Ex Carlos On His Experience Dating and Breaking Up with a woman with Borderline Personality. Carolos has som...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 BPD Ex A Man Beaten Abused Discarded and in Legal Appeal To See His Son

A.J. Mahari interviews a man who was in a relationship and marriage with a Borderline woman. He was beaten, raged at, discarded, and is currently appe...

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 BPD Male Instant Trauma Bond Dynamics With Codependent Woman Mary's Story

Counsellor and Trauma Recovery Coach A.J. Mahari shares insight into BPD Male Instant Trauma Bond Dynamics With Codependent Woman Mary who shares her ...

Saturday, June 5, 2021 BPD Relationships and Breakups Man with 6 BPD Breakups Interviewed

Counsellor and Trauma Recovery Coach, A.J. Mahari, Interviews Mikael, a man who has been in 6 relationship with 6 different Borderline Women and has S...


on 10/27/2024

I left my (1 yr. ago diagnosed, untreated) BPD partner of 5 years (3+breakups) for the final time. I have been struggling for understanding, information, and help with what I have been going thru, how...

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on 5/30/2024

This podcast, you sharing your experiences and knowledge has helped me so much, tremendous. Thank You.

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on 3/27/2024

In the aftermath of a devastating relationship and messy breakup, I stumbled across AJ’s podcast. I had suspected my ex had BPD and that I had some flaws that made me susceptible to BPD manipulation. ...

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on 1/16/2024

I came to this in the middle of a break up. I couldn’t describe my experience more clearly. I am in therapy for my codependency and I NEVER went back!

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on 1/6/2024

And her truth is spot on. This podcast helped me more than I had ever expected. She consistently redirects the focus of the codependent while lending understanding to the dynamic and behaviors of both...

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on 10/1/2023

She is spot-on with the BPD torment experienced by the partner.

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on 9/12/2023

I finally found a resource that mirrored exactly what I’m going through currently with my BPD partner and it has saved my sanity and validated all of what I’m feeling and experiencing. Thank you AJ!

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on 8/10/2023

Love how direct this podcast is. Its so true and straight to the point. Thank you for helping me move on.

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on 6/11/2023

This is a little dense, maybe just for me. A lot of content to process I felt like this is an analysis of a scene out of my family room and endless iterations with my wife of 35 years Understanding ...

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on 6/6/2023

You helped me move on from my bpd ex who broke my heart, manipulated m, gaslighted me, hurt me. I had the worst relationship in my life with-him. Thank you so much Aj.

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on 7/12/2022

Amazing. Straight to the point. You reaffirmed all my thoughts about my ex and his BPD…. Thank you for the closure I didn’t know I needed x

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on 7/4/2022

This podcast has been helpful. I don’t feel alone anymore. I’m just starting my journey to self . I’m scared but look forward to learning from AJ Mahari

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on 7/6/2021

This podcast has been the catalyst to much needed inner healing that I have been unaware of for a long time. Thank you for helping me

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on 2/11/2021

The host is amazingly knowledgeable about borderline. I’ve been married to a borderline wife for 21 years and I am a bit of a codependent. EVERYTHING she says in EVERY episode so far has resonated wit...

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on 2/10/2021

I specifically searched for borderline break ups because the last year of my life has essentially been everything described in this podcast .It was with a man who turned on me on a dime for no reason ...

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